The Renewable Energy-based RADIOvelò

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Posted by ZHU Wei on 08-09-2015 - Last updated on 08-09-2015

To dance with a group of people on square has occupied more and more time between middle-aged and old people in China,it is also a new way to make exercising prevail in all ages of group.

In China, there are more and more middle-ages and old people to dance in ground 
square, which has become a new way to do sport exercises. The Square Eidolen-C is 
designed  for the people dancing in the square. The form shape look like a luggage
carrier, and combinates audio system with  scooter. 
   In day time, solar panel  generate electric energy  and  held  it. At night, speaker system is to play music with electric energy. There is a screen for people to dance by following trainer. The scooter is used as a walking tool, and can be 
handled as a luggage carrier.


成员:朱炜Wei  Zhu  420983198203267835

程炎明Yanming Chen 422428197511104830


  1. ZHU Wei ZHU Wei

    a good idea

  2. Bonnie Lewtas Bonnie Lewtas

    nice idea. I think it would be cool to integrate a beamer which could project the 'trainer' or 'dance images' onto the city square or a nearby building. Otherwise the screen is so small that few people would be able to see it. What do you think?