Sustainable Tourism – Innovation for Flightless Travel

Fluglos Glücklich

by Fluglos Glücklich

Submit your own idea/concept/solution

Posted by Ursula T. on 09-07-2015 - Last updated on 10-05-2016

Fluglos Glücklich is in search of ways to make flightless travel more appealing. We need new ideas for flightless tourism offers, partnerships, communication etc. that support tourists to prefer local destinations or alternative transportation options.

Fluglos Glücklich / Flightless Happy

Fluglos Glücklich is a German organization that provides a website designed to promote sustainable tourism transportation alternatives. In the future, a new level of consciousness is necessary in that everybody takes responsibility for protecting the earth and its ecosystems. Humans are required to make serious changes in their current lifestyles if they are to act responsibly on an individual and community level. wants to help people lead ecologically sustainable lifestyles by putting the saying “Think global, act local” into practice (Fluglos Glücklich, 2014). This is however, easier said than done. Although many people are aware of the negative environmental impacts associated with air travel, many choose it for convenience purposes. Developing creative strategies to change the behaviour of tourists in Europe is the perfect job for the innonatives community!!

The Problem: Flying is the most un-sustainable way of travelling

Tourism is responsible for between 5 and 12% of global greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions are commonly divided into five key categories: Land transportation, air transportation, water transportation, tourist activities and accommodation (Chiesa & Gautam, 2009). This Challenge focuses on the reduction of the most significant component: Air travel.  

Due to greenhouse gas emissions and fossil fuel consumption international aviation is an important contributor to global climate change (Gillen et al., 2005). The following graph shows the dramatic increase in air travel experienced in the German market (domestic and outbound) over the past few decades. 

Development of the Tourist Transportation (Amount of Trips), German Tourists domestic and outbound (Frick, Grimm & Kuhnimhof, 2014, p. 77 from FUR 2013

This upward trend is expected to continue on a global level with strong growth predictions for aviation (UNWTO, 2008, p. 9).

Approximately three quarters of global tourism emissions are caused by transportation and approximately 20% by the hospitality sector (BMWi, 2013, p. 57). Of the 75% of tourism’s CO2 emissions caused by transportation, 40% are a direct result of aviation (UNWTO, 2008, p. 9). The choice of transportation is decisive for the effect of tourism on climate change (WWF, 2009, p. 4).

Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Different Modes of Transport in CO2-Equivalent per Person Kilometre

In Germany, the Federal Government’s current goal is to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% (compared to 1990 emissions level) by 2020 (BMWi, 2013, p. 57).  Such an ambitious goal requires the participation and commitment of industries and the public. In combination with the governmental implementation of policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, travellers can help to achieve these objectives by choosing more sustainable forms of transportation (Whitelegg & Williams, 2000).


Fluglos Glücklich searches for new ideas to promote sustainable tourism without flying. The goal is to make flightless travel more appealing to regular people for their annual vacations. Ideas can include

  • New ideas for flightless travel tourism offers, and product service systems including apps and games to make the flightless travel more fun for tourists. For existing offers see
  • New partnerships with organizations that are also interested in avoiding air travel. For existing partners see
  • Targeted communication, e.g. campaigns addressing specific target groups and communication means to create more interest among potential customers to try flightless travel tourism offers.
  • Any innovation that will help people to better experience “the journey as a part of the destination”.

The challenge is to support sustainable tourist behaviour by making locally accessible destinations or alternative transportation options more appealing.

Solutions must include the Fluglos Glücklich website as a shared information portal for sustainable flightless travel in Europe:

In addition, the use of the website's CO2-footprint calculator for emissions comparison and management should be promoted (it is already implemented but can be improved):

Terms and Conditions

All ideas and solutions submitted to this Challenge will be considered for implementation. The Challenge Owner, the Crowd, and an Expert Jury will evaluate the submissions and select the most promising ones. Solutions selected as the most promising, will have the opportunity to run a Crowd Funding project at innonatives and receive the funds for implementation. Intellectual Property rights will remain with the owners of the ideas and solutions at all times. If Fluglos Glücklich decides to use any of the ideas or solutions the owners will receive a fair share of the net profits this may generate (to be defined per individual solutions).

More information about Fluglos Glücklich

Fluglos Glücklich is a website which was created to develop and promote sustainable tourism and transportation alternatives. The idea for the Fluglos Glücklich website has been developed by a working group formed during the "Young Otzenhausener Colloquium: Escaping the growth economy" which took place at the Otzenhausen European Academy in March 2013.  Once fully developed, the website will contain valuable information on sustainable travel-agencies, tour operators, bus companies, carpooling opportunities and other providers offering the latest sustainable tourism product and service innovations.

Fluglos Glücklich aims to expand the Internet platform to serve the following functions:

  • To be the key gathering point (or “Hub”) for sustainable travel deals for Germany, and for foreign tourists traveling to Germany.
  • To host a network of all relevant German suppliers, offices and businesses.
  • To develop an English version of the website for use by international travellers.

Other Resources


BMWi (2013). Tourismuspolitischer Bericht der Bundesregierung. Berlin: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie.

Chiesa, T. & Gautam, A. (2009). Towards a Low Carbon Travel & Tourism Sector. World Economic Forum, Switzerland: Booz & Company.

Fluglos Glücklich (2014). Leitbild. Retrieved 08/05/2014 from

Gillen, et al. (2005) Air travel demand elasticities: Concepts, issues and measurements. Final Report. Department of Finance, Canada.

Gössling,S., Peeters, P. (2007), It Does Not Harm the Environment!’ An Analysis of Industry Discourses on Tourism, Air Travel and the Environment, Journal of sustainable tourism 15 (4).

Umweltbundesamt (2012). Daten zum Verkehr 2012. Dessau: Umweltbundesamt.

UNWTO (2008). Climate Change and Tourism – Responding to Global Challenges. Madrid: UNWTO Publications.

Whitelegg, J. & Williams, N. (2000). The Plane Truth: Aviation and the Environment. Transport 2000 and The Ashden Trust.

WWF (2009). Der Touristische Klima-Fußabdruck. Frankfurt Am Main: WWF Germany.
