Idea 7

Coworking Clusters

Less commuting, more sparetime. Coworking Clusters are decentralised coworking spaces for companies and freelancers. With the ongoing digitalisation communciation and collaboration becomes more and more human even over long distances. Companies are clustered in smaller teams, so that the commuting distance is reduced. The important separation of work and private life is still there as well as the aspect of working in small teams.

Idea 9

Recuperation of electrical power in public urban transportation networks

Electrical power has been used in public transportation for more than 120 years. The usual voltage in urban networks (trams, subways, trolleybuses) is 600 up to 750 V DC. The vehicles use electric brakes by switching the motors to generators, with the generated power traditionally mostly being used for the heating and otherwise being "burned" through resistors. Recuperation of the generated power is already partly being used and fed back into the network to back up ... more

Idea 9

Autonomous Control of Autonomous Vehicle Fleets

Autonomous control of thousands and millions of autonomous vehicles (for various on-demand mobility services ranging from car-sharing to same day parcel delivery) in an urban environment is very challenging for human dispatchers. Artificial computer dispatcher which learns from human dispatchers like a baby. The dispatcher baby learns the causalities and which decisions that lead to good and bad fleet performance using machine learning techniques. As this artificial dispatcher baby grows and ... more

Idea 9

Die dritte Ebene

Unsere Idee ist es, eine dritte Ebene über dem Straßenverkehr zu schaffen, wobei eine Art Seilbahn installiert wird, worauf sich einzelne Personen oder Güter fortbewegen können.

Idea 6

Exchangeable batteries

I think, that just one important step has to be done to push forward the sales of eCars. This is to unify the batteries to few models, to make them easy exchangeable and to provide ready charged batteries to the gas stations. In such case the exchange the battery will take only few minutes, less then to fill up a petrol tank. If this happens, I’ll buy an eCar tomorrow!