Fundação Grupo Boticário de Proteção à Natureza

by Fundação Grupo Boticário de Proteção à Natureza

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A new vision for the cocoa value chain in the Amazon and the first chocolate factory of Amazonas State.

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Posted by Artur Bicelli Coimbra on 09-11-2016 - Last updated on 09-11-2016

The Amazonas native cocoa is very important species to the ecological balance of the Amazonian floodplains, they are naturally in the forest and agroforestry systems in symbiosis and serving food for other native species, including vertebrates such as carnivores, rodents, primates and birds. Like many natural resources native of the Amazon, cocoa suffers devaluation by lack of knowledge on basic processing of almonds and aggregation of value to by-products. All the cocoa produced in the State of Amazonas is exported for values below the world average. It is important to remember that the Amazon is the centre of geographical origin of this species and that the vast majority of local producers don't ferment their cocoa almonds, this process is fundamental for the production of chocolate. The Amazonian native cocoa is a product of greed of the world, mainly for meeting on your biome of origin, being the oldest and wild variety found and all concepts of sustainability that the Amazonian products pose to the world. In addition to these problems, the cocoa in the Amazon is a species that is suffering from climate change and substitution by other crops more profitable economically. Attention to these adversities are urgent.

The company Na Floresta Alimentos Amazônicos (Na Floresta Amazonias Foods) is working with the development of the native cocoa production chain of Amazonas State.

The company believes in the value of the cocoa farmer/collector of the Amazon, its products and reduce the exploitation of natural resources who suffer risk of extinction, over-exploitation, and are being marketed illegally. This will affect significantly the quality of life of the producer/extractor and the conservation of the forest.

We are currently identifying, qualifying with producers/rural pullers as the processing of almonds, finding marketing channels of these almonds, and buying some of that production to the make a fine handmade chocolates. Since the beginning of the project in 2016, cocoa increase 250% the value of prized sale, bringing more quality of life for the riverside communities involved in the company.

With a potentiation in the generation of income for riverside communities, believes that the quality of life of producers improve with this interest in the extraction of other natural resources at risk of extinction will decrease.

Every year, in the winter floods of the rivers Amazon along with the intensity of the summers are sacrificing the cacoais natives, compromising the economic and food security of families who benefit directly from this species, as well as reap the beautiful story involving around 26000 Amazonian families.


  1. Marc Marc

    Hi Artur

    Sounds like a great business model. It would be important to have sales channels (retailers or fine food markets) in Europe for that, Germany and Switzerland are to my idea the most promising markets.

    If you can define a value proposition that is a clear combination of great taste, sustainable production and a good marketing story as well as prominent sales partners here at place, I am sure customers will pay higher prices.
