Innovative ideas and technologies for a cleaner use of domestic biomass heating systems

BB-CLEAN funded by ERDF - Alpine Space Project

by BB-CLEAN funded by ERDF - Alpine Space Project

Submit your own idea/concept/solution

Predryer for Wood

idea Owners

Posted by Renate on 05-06-2019 - Last updated on 16-04-2021

In order to optimize the fire-starting the wood should be as dry as possible. So a technology for drying the wood could help - Maybe future ovens/chimneys coulduse the smoke to dry the wood - wood storage should be linked to the chimneys.

  • Argue why is this sustainable. What are the specific sustainability aspects?
  • Optional: upload extended description of the idea in PDF (upload functionality)

Tags: BB-Clean 


  1. j.scheumann j.scheumann

    Experience also shows that offen small amounts of fuel are  used which are not suitable for stoves. Often residual materials are burned, e.g. wood with paint, etc. The chimney sweep does not notice this. In order to prevent such illegal burns, an on-line smoke gas monitoring would be helpful. An algorithm could then help to evaluate the exhaust gas measurement and to inform the authorities about possible incidents.