sustainable urban mobility based on renewable energy

MunichExpo Veranstaltungs GmbH

by MunichExpo Veranstaltungs GmbH

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The mobile Solarlounge

idea Owners

Posted by FrankD on 13-10-2016 - Last updated on 13-10-2016

The Solarlounge is a mobile workplace for the outdoors, thus avoiding professional traffic and can work in a beautiful environment with renewable energies close to nature.

My second idea is a mobile workplace for the outdoors. It is a solarlounge with a power generating roof. This solarroof allows the connection of various mobile devices with 12 V and 5 V USB to work, but it also provides shade so that you can see anything on the displays at all.
The solar workplace is a foldable lightweight so you can transport it by bike as a bicycle trailer, in a train or in a car.
The aim of the solar workplace is to open up new possibilities for working next to the office and the home office. You can now work in the park, at the lake or at the beach, and thus make use of the advantages of this environment. The traffic is also relieved because you no longer need to use the main traffic streams in the direction of the office, but goes into the area in the beautiful surroundings.
In addition, there is still a secondary effect, the energy consumption in the office decreases, if one works more outside. Of course, this does not happen in any weather, but the roof protects and the chair cushions warm the back.
But not only in the beautiful surroundings but also in new interesting places in the city, in the park, on the river or on the roof garden of the office building. If the co-worker also get a solar workplace, you can work together outside.
From the solar workplace, there are already different variants.

The first solar armchair - in german



  1. Ursula A Ursula A

    great Concept, thanks for posting , Frank !!