How can IoT and Digitalization enable Hotel resource efficiency, waste reduction and sustainable management?

Hochschule Heilbronn, Heilbronn Hospitality Symposium, Heilbronn Sustainability Symposium

by Hochschule Heilbronn, Heilbronn Hospitality Symposium, Heilbronn Sustainability Symposium

Submit your own idea/concept/solution
challenge Owners

Posted by Marc on 11-10-2016 - Last updated on 25-10-2016

Sustainability and Digitalization – A huge chance for the Hotel Management? We, the Heilbronn University, are looking for your IDEAS in this field. In our age of digitalization and IoT as well as a growing importance of sustainability issues the Hotel Industry has to deal with innovative approaches in the Hotel Management. In the context of the Heilbronn Sustainability and Hospitality Conferences we would like to know: How can the companies from the Hospitality/Tourism Industry profit from more sustainable and digitalized activities with regard to customers, resource efficiency, waste reduction, etc.?

We are looking for concrete ideas, services, business models, tools, management methods!!!

The Hospitality/Tourism Industry is integrating more and more digital approaches, connectivity and IoT tools, internally but also focussing on business models and services towards the guests, stakeholders and partners in the value chain. These changes are very demanding for the staff and are leading to important changes in the Hotel Managment.

In the same time sustainable management is a key driver in the context of the entire sustainable tourism concept. We talk hereby not only about efficient value creation from a resource perspective, but also see changes regarding social and economical approaches. These effects are again leading to important effects for the staff and the Hotel Management.

Both topics (Digitalization and Sustainable Management) are key drivers in the entire Hospitality/Tourism Industry.

Therefore our question is:

How can companies from the Hotel Industry profit from more sustainable and digitalized activities?

How does the ideas and chances look like, that are linked to and created by Digitalization and Sustainable Management?

This challenge has been launched in the context of the Heilbronn Sustainability and Hospitality Symposien on the 12/13.10.2016 in Heilbronn, Germany. More the 500 participants from the Hospitality and Tourism industry as well as researchers and further experts started discussing this and related topics online and offline during the two days.

The challenge will be open for 4 weeks. The best ideas will be selected through crowdvoting and an expert group from Heilbronn University and Experts of the industry.

The five best ideas will receive a free ticket for our next conference in Autumn 2017 (value appr. 200€).

Additional Note:

In order to get a better understanding of our crowd we would kindly ask you to include the following information in your answer:

Student = ST
Hotel Management = HO
Gastronome/Caterer = GA
Tourist Management = TO
Company/ Service Provider = UD
Others = SO

We are strongly looking forward to your Ideas!!!

Next Steps:

We are planning a second more concrete challenge based on the results of this first challenge for January 2017.

Challenge Owner is the Heilbronn University, that is organizing the two conferences since several years.



For any comments and questions please feel free to contact us!

Sandra Rochnowski -
Faculty for International Business
Heilbronn University
