Fundação Grupo Boticário de Proteção à Natureza

by Fundação Grupo Boticário de Proteção à Natureza

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Bags production for restoration and agronimical purposes using treated sewer sludge from sewage treatment station (Nova Friburgo – RJ).

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Posted by Ricardo Finotti on 24-11-2016 - Last updated on 24-11-2016

This idea is about making products with treated sewer sludge to reduce the amount of solid organic waste discarded at the water sheds of Nova Friburgo (Rio de Janeiro – RJ). We propose that sludge should be collected, treated and commercialized by making organic matter bags and other products that can be used for many purposes, since packs for home individual planting to packs for large scale agricultural production and restoration projects.

The use of organic matter for agronomic and restoration actions has the finality of increase vegetal growth quality with low costs in a short period of time. The substract used for this purposes must have characteristics that promotes soil humidity retention and the nutritional disponibility for vegetals (Cunha et al. 2006). Organic matter has known importance on the chemical and physical soil attributes as it makes soil particules aggregation, changes soil density, porosity and aeration and the water retention and percolation (Melo & Marques, 2000).

The sewer sludge is a subproduct of urban sewage treatment (Barbosa e Filho 2006). Many studies has shown its suscessfull use on restoration projects, seedlings planting and agronomical activities (Barbosa et al. 2002, Maia 1999). Its chemical properties includes higher concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), Potassium (K) and other micronutrients when compared to other organic matter and C/N proportions of 6,2 to 6,3, that means that organic matter is in a good conservation condition and nitrogen is avaible for the plants (Barbosa e Filho 2006, Filho e Tourinho 1981). Chemical elements as Iron, Aluminum, Manganese, Copper, Lead, and Mercury, had concentrations that can reach 25000, 43700, 700, 210-220, 10 and 0,2-1,0mg/g, respectively (Bezerra et al. 2004).

Some care has to be taken as sewer sludge has few negative aspects, as follows: the presence of patogenic organisms, the production of reduced forms of some organic complex molecules (Filho e Tourinho 1981, Barbosa e Filho 2006), and some contaminants can stay in soil or reach watersheds by superficial running and leaching (Fernandes et al. 1993, Ricci 2010, Logan et al. 1984). So, control and stabilization processes are needed for their use in agricultural and degraded areas restoration projects (Andreoli 1999, Barbosa e Filho 2006).

Nova Friburgo is an important agricultural pole, it has one of the major vegetable productions of Rio de Janeiro State and it is the second Brazilian flower productor. It has about 1820 farmers and about R$ 576 millions was generate only by local flower and ornamental plant production in 2014 (

The sewage treatment of Nova Friburgo is made by a private company called Àguas de Nova Fribrugo that has 4 treatment stations that process about 475l/second of sewage, with gives 41.040.000l per day ( Using some ruge estimates using these numbers, the treatment of sewage can generate about 100tons/day of dry solid organic matter (Pedroza et al. 2010, Canziani et al. 1999).

So, sustainable solutions that deal with pollution reduction at this level and has the potential to increase seedings, vegetables and flower production has great potential to be done at this region.

Our idea is to study and make products using sewer sludge organic matter that is generate by Nova Friburgo Sewage Treatment Station and some local industries. Initially, the simple commercialization of organic matter in bags of 5, 10 and 20Kg or higher can be done. After that, the production of more elaborated products as little packs adapted to home planting and products to restoration projects can be planned.


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PEDROZA M.M., VIEIRA G.E.G., SOUSA J.F., PICKLER A.C., LEAL E.R.M. E MILHOMEN C.C. 2010. Produção e tratamento de lodo de esgoto – uma revisão. Revista Liberato, Novo Hamburgo, v.11, n.16:149-160.

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